Friday, August 15, 2008


Dear visitor,
We,the members of green glory our trying our very best to protect, preserve, and save the environment which is turning from bad to worse.
In the materialistic life of man ENVIRONMENT plays a very small role,man is only concerned about money and in his urge of making it forgets his factuality. We at Green glory our trying to remove this, Our very own member who has pursued writing as his career has written
"Only when the last tree is cut,only when the last fish is caught,only when the last animal is killed,only then will mankind realise that it cannot eat money"
The above lines our composed so beautifully that it touched my heart an so this NGO idea came into my mind and Green glory has reached its heights of glory today .
Green glory is comprised of total 20 members which is really a big number but not enough so i request you to send a mesage and we would include you in this work of helping the nature to survive.
People often say what is the use of cleaning roads etc? I always answer back and say that someone has to take the intiative and we have decided so please don't hesitate to join with us for a noble cause.
Our motto is ' Vision with an action can change the world.'
Intiatives of change ---- The Green glory club
Lastly, I would like to thank all my fellow friends and members of green glory without whom the efficient running of the club was highly impossible.
Fond greetings from us. THE GREEN GLORY CLUB

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